CE & UKCA Guidance | Door Hardware Online
The CE mark is a conformity mark, first introduced in 1985 by the EEC (European Economic Community). It is a legal declaration by a manufacturer that a product complies with one or more European single-market directives or regulations. Products displaying the CE mark must be accepted on the market in all EU27 countries. However, national governments still have the authority to regulate how those products are used.
Upon the UK's departure from the European Union, a new conformity mark was introduced in Great Britain (England, Wales & Scotland) to replace the CE mark. This is the UKCA mark (United Kingdom Conformity Assessed). At the time of writing, the two marks are applied in the same way and relate to the same standards.
When third-party conformity assessment is legally required, manufacturers must have an EU-notified body for CE marking and a UK-approved body for UKCA marking to conduct the process. This might necessitate manufacturers to conduct additional testing and/or certification to retain the necessary conformity mark.
Post the 'Brexit' transition period (i.e. from 31st December 2020) the situation regarding CE marking is as follows:
- Valid CE marking will continue to be recognized in Great Britain (England, Wales & Scotland)
- On 2 September 2024, the Minister for Building Safety and Homelessness issued a Written Ministerial Statement regarding recognition of the Conformité Européenne (CE) marking for construction products. The previously stated deadline of 30 June 2025 for CE marking recognition in Great Britain has now been revoked. Current rules allowing for continued recognition of the CE mark will remain in place until legislation is laid to end recognition of the CE mark
- If CE marking requires a conformity assessment by a notified body, UK-notified bodies are no longer recognized for this purpose. Any compulsory conformity assessment supporting the CE mark must have been carried out by an EU-notified body. The only exception to this is Northern Ireland, where CE marking supported by conformity assessment by UK bodies is accepted, provided the UKNI mark is applied alongside the CE mark
See also: Guidance - Construction Products Regulations in Great Britain
- UKCA marking is not recognized in the EU, including the Republic of Ireland
- UKCA marking will be the only* recognized conformity mark in Great Britain (England, Wales & Scotland) post 30 June 2025 (see above).
*The exception to this pertains to goods transported from Northern Ireland to Great Britain (England, Wales & Scotland). For more information, visit the following link: Construction Products Regulations in Northern Ireland
- Where UKCA marking requires a conformity assessment, EU-notified bodies are not recognized for this purpose. Conformity assessments supporting UKCA marks must be carried out by UK-approved bodies.
The principal measures of relevance to doors and hardware:
- The Construction Products Regulation 2011 (CPR) and its equivalent in Great Britain (England, Wales & Scotland), the Construction Products Regulations 2013 as amended
- The Machinery Directive 2006 (MD) and its equivalent in GB, the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008, as amended
The Construction Products Regulation (CPR) applies to all construction products, but only if the product meets a 'harmonised' European standard or a 'designated' standard in Great Britain (England, Wales & Scotland). Currently, this includes external hinged door sets, industrial doors, garage doors, and certain hardware items intended for fire and emergency escape doors. Since July 2013, manufacturers have been required to apply the relevant conformity marking and issue a Declaration of Performance for each product. Conformity marking for fire-resisting shutters and external fire-resisting pedestrian door sets became compulsory in November 2019, while the conformity marking of internal door sets, whether fire-resisting or not, has been delayed.
The Machinery Directive (MD) applies to all machines with a motor, which also includes powered doors and gates. Since the mid-1990s, manufacturers of these products have been required to use the conformity mark and issue a Declaration of Conformity.
The conformity mark serves as proof that a product meets the necessary safety requirements and, in the case of the CPR, it also includes considerations for accessibility, sustainability, and environmental protection.
The responsibility to apply the conformity marking lies with the individual who places the product on the market, usually the manufacturer. The presence of the mark indicates that the product is allowed to be sold on the market. In the context of construction, the builder's legal obligations are outlined in national building regulations, not in conformity with marking laws. Even though a product with a conformity mark may be legally sold on the market, it doesn't automatically mean that it is suitable for a specific construction project. To determine this, it is necessary to compare the product's declared performance with the requirements of local building regulations.
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