- Additional Product Details
Single Hook - Large, Face Fixed.
The Briton Specification Series encompasses the complete hardware requirement of the large majority of door sets. Lever furniture features a unique fixing method which provides a firm, positive and highly durable installation. When combined with designs which meet the requirements of BS 8300, successful fire testing to 90 minutes on timber doors and 4 hours on steel doors and our 10-year warranty, Briton Specification Series hardware is ideally suited to new build or refurbishment installations which require a classical contemporary appeal.
Briton Fire Door Closers | Briton Exit Devices | Briton Locks
Relcross Limited (trading as) Door Hardware Online | Hambleton Avenue | DEVIZES | Wiltshire | SN10 2RT | United Kingdom | T: ++ 44 (0) 1380 720 062 | F: ++ 44 (0) 1380 729 888 | E: britonsales@doorhardware-online.co.uk
- Certification
Warranty: 10 Years (Mechanical)
Certificates, including DoPs downloadable here
- Resources | Downloads