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Cover Pack & Screws - Suits 2003V.SES Door Closer
The Briton 2000 Series offers adjustable and fixed strength power sizes providing a comprehensive package of solutions to suit most door-closing applications. When the situation of use and the door size and weight are known, fixed-strength closers provide an economic solution. With little on-site adjustment needed, installation is quick and trouble-free. The adjustable power 2003V provides the flexibility to ‘fine tune’ the closing power of the door control to achieve the low ‘opening forces’ necessary to satisfy the requirements of Approved Document M of The Building Regulations and the guidance of BS 8300 with The Equality Act (2010).
Briton Fire Door Closers | Briton Exit Devices | Briton Locks
Relcross Limited (trading as) Door Hardware Online | Hambleton Avenue | DEVIZES | Wiltshire | SN10 2RT | United Kingdom | T: ++ 44 (0) 1380 720 062 | F: ++ 44 (0) 1380 729 888 | E: britonsales@doorhardware-online.co.uk
- Certification
Warranty: 10 Years (Mechanical)
Certificates, including DoPs downloadable here
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